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Store Locator

Find a store that carries Popadelics near you, or click here to order online. You can also order single packs online via our partners at Vitacost. If you visit a store and see that we're out of stock, please tell the store manager that you want to see them restock some Popadelics!

Don't see a store near you? Click here to request Popadelics at one of your local retailers! 

Limited Time Only: Get an exclusive discount when you shop Popadelics in stores. Click here to claim!

Interested in carrying Popadelics in your store and/or office pantry? Click here to contact us about wholesale opportunities. Qualified wholesale customers can also place wholesale orders directly via Faire.

With no reliance on animal products, it feels great to do better and feel better.

The first bite is almost a spiritual experience. Send out good vibrations with each and every crunch.

Buckle up, taste buds. These flavors are a wild ride, like a rollercoaster strapped to a space rocket.